This is art work created by Ayden.
.....cliche time.
I know I'm somewhat biased, but I was blown away from this picture. The kid is in kindergarten! I was working my way to a stick man at kindergarten! The use of color, the abstract thing going on, the coloring within the lines....OK so the face is a little distorted but if you look at it with an objective eye....well it's pretty artistic for a kindergartner.
I know....I know...."Proud Father" alert and what father doesn't think his kids art is fantastic....but man I am kind of thinking Ayden has a hidden talent. This is just one in a few that he has brought home. I hope to get the others up to share soon. They are all showing signs of an art talent.
Who knows he could be the first Lawyer/Pro Football Player/Artist in our history!
If Dad has a say that is.........
You know, that actually IS really good. Speaking as a teacher and fellow parent, I'm impressed. I just realized you have a blog... I've enjoyed going back through and catching up on it. It's incredible you are doing this for will mean so much to him one day.
Thanks for your kind words Jenny. I hope Ayden does find joy in this creation and grows to love it half as much as I have enjoyed doing it. I have let things keep me from keeping it updated at times but comments like yours gives me motivation to keep at it.
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