Please make sure you learn to forgive. Make an effort to always see all sides of a dispute and keep your heart open to forgiveness. People are going to wrong you. Circumstances are going to arise that will leave you at crossroads on whether a person deserves forgiveness. Just remember when you come to that crossroad that you have needed and will continue to need forgiveness for your own actions. You are not above forgiveness. Why should anyone else be?
If you can not learn to forgive you will grow a bitter heart. Your anger will destroy you. I have walked in anger for many years only to see it nearly destroy me. My anger has caused great pain to myself and more importantly to those that I love the most. The first step in curing your anger will be forgiveness. Forgive those that wrong you. Forgive those that may not deserve it.
Keep your eyes open , your heart free and learn to forgive son.It's a must.
I Love You,
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